Sunday, November 17, 2019

Take a risk!

Learning a new language requires taking risks.  Last week, I began documenting the learning journey of students. Grade 1 and 2 introduced themselves by telling me their name, their age, their favorite color, following all that by singing a traditional French song of their choice.  It was both exciting and encouraging to see their willingness to take risks.  Some of them created color patterns and talked about their patterns in French.  Grade 3 and 4 students finished their project called Mon Monstre.  They are currently working on speaking about the physical traits of their monstre.    

If you are interested in learning some of the traditional French songs that your child has learned, here are the titles:

Savez-vous planter les choux?
Pomme de reinette et pomme d'api


Welcome to D2L!

Welcome to D2L, an online learning platform!  These D2L shells are created to support your learning at home.  This will be a different learn...