Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Welcome to D2L!

Welcome to D2L, an online learning platform!  These D2L shells are created to support your learning at home.  This will be a different learning model than what you are used to but I hope you find the resources and materials helpful.

If you are new to D2L, please click on the following link:

Once you have logged in, you will be able to access all the D2L shells that are linked to you.  Please feel free to check out both the FSL and music D2L shells.

We miss you, Elboya students!

Saturday, March 7, 2020

L'alimentation et les activités d'hiver préférées

One of the greatest motivations when learning a new language is to see how one can start communicating their basic needs or wants in the new language. 

During the past week, Grade 1 and 2 students focused on basic food items and the sentence structure Je n'aime pas... 

Here is the vocabulary:
le bœuf
le poulet
le jambon
le poisson
le porc
Grade 3 and 4 students focused on their favourite winter activities.   Here is the vocabulary:
faire du toboggan
faire du patinage
faire du ski
faire des batailles de boules de neige
faire un fort de neige
faire un bonhomme de neige
jouer au hockey

We are still playing games to reinforce our knowledge of the days of the week and numbers from 1 to 15.  Have fun practicing!

Welcome to D2L!

Welcome to D2L, an online learning platform!  These D2L shells are created to support your learning at home.  This will be a different learn...