Saturday, October 5, 2019

Towards "Oral Development"

Last week, I made reference to a neurolinguistic approach to teaching and learning French.  One distinguishing characteristic of this approach is that it begins with oral development, very much like the process in first language acquisition. It focuses on learning to use the language rather than learning about the language.  

In class, many opportunities have been given to students to practice their oral skills because it is through the development of "internal grammar" that one becomes spontaneous when conversing with others.  By now, Grade 1 and 2 students should feel comfortable telling you their name, their age and perhaps, the colour they like.  They can respond to the question "how are you?".   Grade 3 and 4 students can respond to AND ask these questions.  They have had the pleasure of conducting a survey as to how their peers feel.  

Welcome to D2L!

Welcome to D2L, an online learning platform!  These D2L shells are created to support your learning at home.  This will be a different learn...